Adaptive Integral Sliding Mode Saturation Guidance Law for Intercepting High Velocity Maneuvering Target
Chen Baowen, Sun Jingguang
Aerospace Control ›› 2022, Vol. 40 ›› Issue (5) : 8-14.
Adaptive Integral Sliding Mode Saturation Guidance Law for Intercepting High Velocity Maneuvering Target
In this paper, the problem of three-dimensional guidance for intercepting high velocity maneuvering target is studied and analyzed. Firstly, According to the head pursuit, the three-dimensional guidance system model is introduced. Secondly, an adaptive integral sliding mode guidance law is designed, which is based on the integral sliding mode and adaptive algorithm. Thirdly, an anti-saturation adaptive integral sliding mode based three dimensional guidance law is designed by introducing an auxiliary system. Finally, the stability of the designed guidance strategy is proved by using Lyapunov stability theory, and numerical simulations show the effectiveness of the proposed guidance scheme.
Saturation guidance law / Input constraint / Integral sliding mode control / Adaptive control {{custom_keyword}} /
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Based on target-missile relative motion equation in plane, a two-dimensional guidance law subject to acceleration command constraint is designed using command filtered backstepping approach, and the second-order dynamics characteristics of missile autopilot is considered. The guidance system is divided into two sub-systems in the light of stability requirement of the main states. Then the command filtered backstepping approach is used to design the guidance laws for two sub-systems based on the principles of zeroing line-of-sight(LOS) angular rate and letting the relative velocity between missile and target be less than a negative constant, respectively. The command filtered backstepping approach can not only address saturation constraint on acceleration command but also overcome the deficiency of “explosion of terms” in the conventional backstepping method. Finally, the simulations are performed for controlling and non-controlling along LOS in the case of acceleration command saturation and missile autopilot with big lag. The results show that the guidance law has excellent performance for intercepting a highly maneuvering target.
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